🔴 City with at least one stopped pick-pocket

top city stopped pickpockets

December 23, 2016

39th & 40th Stopped Pick-Pockets: Two Pick-Pockets in Two Days in Rome, Italy

Europe ›   italy ›   Rome ›  

Email #1 - December 22, 2016

My family is in Rome, Italy right now. Inside a metro train yesterday, my husband caught a young teenager opening his pants to get to his iPhone. The extra button protection stopped the girl from getting my son's phone. She immediately jumped out of the train. Thanks to your brilliant travel pants! My husband and I own several pairs.

Lorna from North Carolina, USA

Email #2 - December 23, 2016

Hi Adam,

Your pants saved my husband the second time again. We went to watch a soccer game of Roma team at the former olympic arena. The metro bus was packed and a well dressed man almost got to my husband's pocket. The pickpocket was able to open the zipper and buttons. What saved my husband was the depth of the front pockets. He had several hundred euros in there as well as several credit cards. Your pants are well designed to thwart pickpockets. My husband is now self aware when he is in crowded metros. We owe you our safety.

December 20, 2016

38 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Stopped On The Street In Lima, Peru

Lima ›   Peru ›   South America ›  

Dear Clothing Arts,

It is my standard practice to wear Pick-Pocket Proof pants while traveling internationally. It paid off last weekend

I was leaving a coffee shop on Av. Larco in the Miraflores district of Lima, Peru when a young girl bumped into me and began asking a question in Spanish. I promptly moved away and noticed the girl running down the street.

A policeman saw what was happening and got on his radio to have the girl picked up.

My wallet, Iphone and money were secure in different pockets of my Adventure Travel Pants.

Fortunately, the rest of my trip went well and without further incidents.


Richard From  The Washington DC Metro Area, USA

November 30, 2016

34th, 35th, 36th, & 37th Twarted Pick-Pockets...WOW! (Paris Metro & Dakar, Senegal)

Africa ›   Dakar ›   Europe ›   France ›   Paris ›   Senegal ›  

Dear Clothing Arts,

I think I have set the record for thwarting pickpockets while wearing Clothing Arts pants and shirts.

Twice in the Paris Metro, the World Olympics of pick-pocketing, I have been accosted by pickpockets. On both occasions, to their befuddlement. they came up with nothing.

In Dakar, Senegal, an otherwise extremely safe city, pickpockets who exist there in large numbers, tried to pickpocket me. Both times, they failed to abscond with anything. In short, my investment in your products have already have paid for themselves many times over.

- Rick from New Jersey, USA

November 15, 2016

33 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Paris Metro Pick-Pocket Trifecta!

Europe ›   France ›   Paris ›  

Editors' Note: This is our third stopped pick-pocket attempt on the Metro.

Dear Clothing Arts,

Got back last night. I suspect that someone tried to “get into my pants” in Lyon and certainly on the Metro in Paris.

Got patted down at least three times in the crowded subway each time I changed trains. The French voleur never got past the button on my Pick Pocket Proof Adventure Pants.

Thanks and good job Clothing Arts!

Howard from La Jolla, California, USA

October 31, 2016

32 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Paris Metro Pick-Pocket Prevented Again!

Europe ›   France ›   Paris ›  

Dear Clothing Arts,

Paris in September 2016 10:45 pm approaching the entrance to the subway after a wonderful dinner cruise on the river. We were cased by a young man and met with several waiting pickpockets at the entrance. My boyfriend was last to go through the turnstile and as he did he was grouped by one of the men. All his valuables were secure and the pickpocket's plans were foiled. Yes!

We traveled with two pairs of pickpocket proof slacks and a pair of pickpocket proof shorts for a two week trip. They hand wash and dry quickly in the hotel room

Jeanine from USA


October 24, 2016

30 & 31st Stopped Pick-Pocket: Adventure Buttons Stop Two Rome Pick-Pockets

Europe ›   italy ›   Rome ›  

Dear Clothing Arts,

It was a great trip to Italy and Europe. The men’s convertibles did the job, both being a very good travel pant but also thwarting 2 attempted pickpocketing incidents. One at the Trevi fountain and one in the Sistine Chapel, they only got passed the first buttons, LOL.

Traveler from Melbourne, Australia

October 24, 2016

29 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Batting .500 Against Ecuadorian Pick-Pockets

Ecuador ›   Quito ›   South America ›  

We would like to start by saying that in order to make our pants as secure as possible, it is important to keep the most valuable items in our most secure pockets. Our designs offer multiple double and triple secure pockets. Zippers are more secure than snaps and we designed our pants to put security back into your hands. Pick-pockets are very good at what they do and have, most likely, picked many pockets before they ever attempt to get into yours.

In the below testimonial, travelers wearing both our Men's & Women's Travel Pants are approached by a team of pick-pockets. Our Women's Pants were are able to stop their attempts but the Men's Pants did not prevent them from lifting his wallet. It is also of note that this is the first stopped pick-pocket by a traveler wearing our Women's Travel Pants and our official 29th stopped pick-pocket.

The wallet was in his cargo pockets, behind the snap and button closures. This pocket offers some security and prevents items from falling out while traveling. The Adventure Traveler Pants have 6 triple secure pockets which would have been much harder to access and we always suggest that you utilize these for wallets or phones while in high traffic areas while traveling.

Here is the testimonial as received:

Dear Clothing Arts,

I have been a very pleased customer for several years.  I have two pants and one shorts and bought pants for my daughter and of course recommended to countless friends.

Unfortunately on my most recent trip the pants were not pick pocket proof. I am in Quito Ecuador  I had my wallet in my lower right pocket with snap and buttons closed my wallet was stolen apparently by a family with a small boy using small hands. While police were helpful, we were not able to find the family. Yes we were in a crowd and they kept squeezing against me despite pushing away, they were successful. Fortunately they failed to get my wife's cell phone despite efforts to open up her zipper. Fortunately we were not hurt, it took a while to calm down.

I lost $350 credit cards and drivers lunch   I immediately called card companies fortunately found an atm to get needed cash.

Some suggestions on web site:

Tell customers
Leave most valuables in hotel
Take very few documents
Leave one credit card behind in hotel
Only take minimum cash
Use zipper pocket with button and push to bottom
I would look to tighten up pockets only with buttons

I only wish this was a testimonial

Good Wishes

Traveler from Illinois, USA

September 08, 2016

28 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Better Than A Barcelona Pick-Pocket Again

Barcelona ›   Europe ›   Spain ›  

I have been a very happy user of both two pairs of the adventure pants and two pairs of the business pants, wearing them on many international trips in all sort of weather and conditions. They have certainly given me peace of mind about being in crowded situations, as shown in the following instance.

I was attending a Bruce Springsteen concert in Barcelona, where the stadium was rocking, everyone was on their feet and singing and dancing to the music, and generally pushing together. In the midst of all the celebration and movement, I felt a hand groping for my wallet, unaware of the multiple barriers that the formidable opponent the pick pocket proof adventure travel pants provided. I reached back, tried to grab the wrist of the offending would be thief, and was satisfied to go back to enjoying the E Street Band as the villain disappeared as fast as he could into the massive crowd.

Thank you, Clothing Arts, for such an ingenious and effective product.

Robert from New Hampshire, USA

August 23, 2016

27 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Better Than A Barcelona Metro Pick-Pocket

Barcelona ›   Europe ›   Spain ›  

Dear Clothing Arts,

I just got back from a trip to Barcelona/Paris/Venice/Florence/Rome - 3 weeks - wearing pickpocket proof pants/shirt. Worked great with no laundering of pants and washing shirt, just once in sink, letting air dry overnight.

In Barcelona, on the first phase of the trip, we were heading on subway with roller/carry-on bag - obvious tourist/mark - when midway through, the train stops, I waited near the door to exit.  A burly man stepped in front of me and a younger man moves behind me, impeding my exit at the next stop. I had my passport in the zipper inner pocket on left, strand of pearls/jewelry in velcro inner pocket on left, wallet in zippered inner pocket on right, cash in velcro inner pocket on right, while in both "external" zippered pockets I had bulky handkerchiefs with a ball point pen as decoy.

As I forced my way out of the train, in the crush, the young man behind me handed me my ball point pen from my zippered left pocket which he had unzipped, unbeknownst to me. I smiled as I retrieved my pen as he hurried away and felt for all my valuables - still intact - as I proceeded to the airport. Relieved at my good fortune in wearing Clothing Arts pickpocket proof clothing that I faithfully wore through the remainder of the trip - even comfortable in 95 degrees, daytime walking 8-10 miles/day in the streets of Europe.

Paul from Maryland, USA

June 28, 2016

26 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Noted Overland Traveler vs. Indian Pick-Pocket

Asia ›   India ›   New Delhi ›  

When Explorers-Club-Member and RCGS-Fellow Ray Hyland decided to recreate the famous First Overland expedition last year from London to Singapore in an original 60-year-old Land Rover, he knew security was going to be a challenge. So Ray turned to our Pick-Pocket Proof Pants to protect him along the way.

"The truck is so old it didn't actually come with door-locks, so I knew I would need to carry all my valuables and documents on my person, at all times."

Ray's expedition was 8 months long, covering 15000 miles through places like India, Turkey, Iran, Myanmar, and Thailand, some advance planning was in order.

"I didn't have room to take much gear, so I chose 2 pairs of convertible Pick-pocket-proof pants, and two pick-pocket-proof dress shirts". This allowed me to keep everything I needed on me, gave me the flexibility to zip the legs off and roll the sleeves up for exploring ruins and street-markets, or to dress a little sharper for when I had interviews at consulates or with government officials."

Did he actually need the pick-pocket-proof clothing during the trip?

"Absolutely, the confidence I felt, not worrying about my money or papers was such a relief I was able to concentrate on other priorities wherever I was. In fact, the one place I felt should have been among the safest, a bank in New Delhi India, was one place where the clothing thwarted a would-be thief. I had placed a small wad of bills plus my Myanmar visa application in a front cargo-pocket while I stood in (a very crowded) line, and when I looked down later I noticed someone had opened the first button, pulled the flap back, but was unable to get to the second, inside button on the pocket. That saved me not only the cash, but also days of hassle if I needed to get a new Visa."

Regarding convenience, Ray added "I've always loved the ease of washing and drying the nylon shirts. I've been able to remove almost any stain, and they dry literally in minutes when I am in the tropics. These are my go-to clothes for almost every adventure."
