51 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Paris Marathon Marauder Stopped On Metro!

Dear Clothing Arts,

In March of this year (2017), we spent two weeks in France. Since I was concerned over the pick-pocket warnings, I bought two pairs of your pants; one pair of the adventure and one of the business. While in Paris, we were with a group of about twenty. It was the day of the Paris Marathon and the Metro was packed. We were packed in like sardines. I was hanging on to one of the poles and my wife was hanging on to my arm. I felt a tug at my left front pocket. I immediately asked my wife if her other hand was hanging on to my belt. She said ‘No’ and I said loudly, ‘Someone just tried to pick my pocket!’ I reached down and found the button undone, but the zipper was intact. There was a man standing directly behind me and he was jammed up against me. He tried looking away. Me and my wife just stared at him until we got off at the next stop. There were also two young French girls clutching their purses to their chests. They also started staring at him. I had been warned by my local guide that the #1 line was the most popular Metro for thieves. I was saved but, unfortunately, one of the other men in our group lost his wallet to a pick-pocket at Charles de Gaul Airport. Two other ladies were also pick-pocketed. They got one lady’s wallet and another lady in our group had her whole purse snatched. I am so fortunate that your pants saved me the time and aggravation of being a victim. I am so impressed that I plan on ordering a couple of more pairs and some for my wife, as well. Then she won't have to carry a purse.

- Fred, Texas, USA
