🔴 City with at least one stopped pick-pocket
Editor's Note: This is your first stopped pick-pocket in international waters! Howard has been wearing his Pick-Pocket Proof Pants since 2021.
Dear Clothing Arts,
My wife and I took a recent cruise on Royal Caribbean from Miami to Barcelona. I wore my four pair of pick pocket proof pants and shirt all the time. During our 12 days at sea, I won the Blackjack tournament. After cashing the winning, I put the cash in the left front inside zip pocket, zipped it, then zipped and buttoned the outside.
My wife and I got on the elevator to go to the 14th deck from the 3rd deck. I felt someone bump my left side in a crowded elevator, but not sure who it was. Felt a slight tug on the left front zipper, but it only opened to the button tab. On the next floor, several people got out. It was one of them or more working together. Anyway, the pants are credited with this save.
After we arrived in Barcelona, we flew to Paris and did all the touristy things. We were warned about pickpockets, but I wore my four pair changing every other day. I kept all zippers zipped and all buttons buttoned. No issues and no attempts, they move on to softer targets.
Photo of Blackjack tournament win below.
Howard R. from Davie, Florida
Editor's Note: This testimonial came to use via a facebook comment and this is your first stop in Cuba... that we know about!!
Editor's Note: This is your 36th known stopped pick-pocket in Rome!
Dear Clothing Arts,
Here is my pickpocket story. Fortunately, it was pretty boring 😊.
I had my first-ever pickpocket attempt experience. I was boarding the metro in Rome. After just boarding the train car, this young lady blocked my way from going further into the train. She appeared like a regular commuter and not a gypsy. She asked me in Italian if she was on the right train line. This is ridiculous because I obviously look like a tourist.
I said I didn’t know in English and tried to get by her, but she blocked my way and asked again. I tried to move away again, and that’s when I noticed she had 2 other ladies joining her. I felt a hand around my pocket. I yelled, “Hey!!!!” and forced my way past them. They were probably stunned when I yelled at them, but they quickly got off the train.
Fortunately, I had convertible pants from Clothing Arts. The zipper and button to my pocket were secure, and the pickpocket got nothing.
Thanks, Clothing Arts!
David H from Winter Park, Florida
Editor's Note: This is your 48th stopped pick-pocket in Paris and your 24th in Barcelona... that we know about! John was wearing our Convertible Travel Pants.
Dear Clothing Arts,
Purchased two pair of your pants for a trip across Western Europe. I Got bumped in Paris, Biarritz, and Barcelona but never lost a thing!
The bumps were mostly from young children who were around 12 years old. The best thing was that they quickly backed off when they realized it wasn’t an easy hit.
I'm going to Iceland, Norway, Israel, Egypt, and Jordan this year. Guess what pants I will be wearing!
- John W. from Idaho
Editor's Note: This is your 23rd known stopped pick-pocket in Barcelona and your 231st overall around-the-world. William C. has been a long time wearer of our apparel since 2019!!
Dear Clothing Arts,
I just returned from Barcelona and Lisbon and wore my CA Travel pants while not in my room. Someone unsuccessfully tried to pickpocket me on the escalator at the Collblanc Metro Station in Barcelona. He was pretty good and got my rear buttons undone and partially opened the next zipper. I didn't realize it until I sat on the Metro platform a few minutes later. He didn't get my wallet!
However, on the escalator, I did feel a light "tickling" on the back of my pants, but each time I turned around, there was nobody immediately next to me. On the next day, on the same escalator, I realized that standing two steps behind someone on an escalator provided near-perfect access to the pants pocket of the person in front of you.
I have lost nearly 60 lbs recently, but I am glad to have decided to wear my loose CA travel pants with a snug belt for my trip to Europe!
I am thinking about ordering a better-fitting pair before my next trip!
- William C. from Midvale, Utah
Editor's Note: Ed's testimonial came to us via a Facebook comment where he responds to another user's critique of the price of our apparel. We have decided to post the entire thread as it addresses what makes our pants uniquely valuable to travelers if you do have a run-in with a pick-pocket in the wild AND they represent the obsolescence of the most uncomfortable and inconvenient traveler staple, the money-belt! Here is how it happened & why our apparel is a game-changer for the discerning traveler:
Editor's Note: Not so long ago, in a country just a plane ride away, Bob F. from Evansville, Indiana, donned his new Adventure Pants as he made his way through a crowded station in Pær.ɪs [Paris]. Bob was one with the Anti-Pick-Pocket Force after activating his Triple-Secure Cubed® Travel Guards on his front pockets. Now confident in his surroundings, he made his way through the network of underground tunnels beneath the City of Lights. Sometime during his journey, he would encounter the Dark Side of the force, BUT they were not strong enough to overcome the power of Pick-Pocket Proof Pockets...
The Clothing Arts Team is thrilled to share with you a new stopped pick-pocket testimonial today! This is your 229th known stopped pick-pocket around-the-world, and comes to us once again from Paris!
Interesting fact, pockets don't open themselves and we get stories all the time of zippers that magically move on their own. These are pick-pockets that notice something is more complex with your pockets and move on to another mark with easier pockets.
May the Anti-Pick-Pocket Force be strong on your next travel!
Here is how it happened:
Hello Clothing Arts,
I just returned from two weeks in Europe in which I wore my pick pocket proof pants. I liked them a lot.
First, they were amazingly comfortable. I ended up wearing them for the comfort factor.
Second, the zipper and button security front pockets gave me a feeling of great security in carrying my wallet and passport. I do think a pickpocket tried to get my wallet on the Paris underground as I later noticed that the front pocket zipper had been lowered to the guard and the wallet had been moved in my pocket. But it never even got close to removing the wallet.
Best wishes,
Bob F. from Evansville, Indiana
Editor's Note: This is your first known stopped pick-pocket in Argentina and came to us via a Facebook comment.
Editor's Note: This is your 14th known stopped pick-pocket in Greece. This also marks another stop for a traveler wearing a pair of our Women's Travel Pants!!
Dear Clothing Arts,
My Pick Picket Proof Pants saved me today. We were in Athens, Greece visiting the Acropolis. I shoved my passport and wallet in the front pockets and fastened Velcro and zippers. I also wore my small backpack with clips on the zippers, which is supposed to be hard to get into. Less valuable items went in here.
I thought I was very careful in the crowded area, but after we were out only 30 minutes, my husband noticed ALL three zippers on my backpack were open! It appears they only took a sealed bottle of water and a small flashlight, and I had no indication anyone was touching me!
Thankful that they were just looking for $ and didn’t take anything else. More thankful my passport and wallet were safe in my pants. I may wear these pants every day through the rest of our trip through Greece and Italy!
Toni F. from Davenport, Florida
Editor's Note: This is (amazingly) your 45th known stop in Paris and comes from a recent ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review of our Adventure Traveler Pants!