🔴 City with at least one stopped pick-pocket

top city stopped pickpockets

May 19, 2022

199 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Travelers Wearing Pick-Pocket Proof Pants Meet In Egypt!

Africa ›   Egypt ›  

Editor's Note: With north of 300,000 Pick-Pocket Proof Pants now walking the world, the odds of two travelers both wearing them in the wild increase by the day. If you do run into one, the best thing to say is, "nice pants!" That is what our founder / designer Adam said when he spotted a fellow traveler wearing a pair in Taiwan a few years back.

Hello Clothing Arts,

I am writing to tell you my encounter with one of your customers. I recently went on a National Geographic tour to Egypt. I met a fellow traveler on our tour and said we have the same tailor in pants. He told me he loves the pants and they saved him on his last trip to Italy. His backpack was robbed while wearing it but they didn't get his passport or other id's because they were in his Clothing Arts pants. He said to me they work great and I will be well protected while wearing mine. By the way he was the expedition leader for our trip!

Howie N. from Long Branch, New Jersey

July 16, 2020

180 Stopped Pick-Pocket: The Pick-Pocket Technique of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Africa ›   Ethiopia ›  

Editor's Note: This is your second known stopped pick-pocket in Addis Ababa!

Dear Clothing Arts,

On my travels in Ethiopia recently, we used the new light-rail system in Addis Ababa. It is a nice system, but thieves have found that the crowded rail cars and the very crowded stations are perfect for pick-pockets... they keep an active eye for visitors and newcomers.

I was about to reach the Stadium Station of the Green Line when I encountered a very aggressive set of young boys. These are kids who gang up to try and to pick-pocket you. The “system” they use it for one youngster to grab your upper arm so hard you wince with pain and have to turn your body to struggle with his grip. They hope who will lose concentration over your wallet or papers or passport. One grabbed my left arm as I was about to head up the stairs to the Stadium Station, and the other boy went for every pocket I had. They are fast and quick... but they left empty-handed!

My travel pants kept everything totally secure. Once they got nothing, they went running into the field nearby to avoid the police at the station. Yet, never has a single pick-pocket been able to get inside a pocket and get my phone or wallet or passport.

While generations have passed in Ethiopia, its capital city of Addis Ababa has grown, and some kids still have a way of finding the wrong path. Thankfully the triple protection of your travel pants offers security and peace of mind from the thieves.

- Dr. Mark S.

January 20, 2020

166 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Freedom From Worry In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

Africa ›   Ethiopia ›  

Editor's Note: This is your first known stop in Ethiopia!

Dear Clothing Arts,

In September 2016, my wife and I were walking around Addis Ababa, with my small travel wallet - limited cash, 2 credit cards, ATM card and passport copies only. My wallet was secured inside the small zippered compartment (I can hardly get it out), inside the zippered and buttoned front pocket of my 3P Pants.
Four young men, claiming to be from the nearby university, tried to interest us in some printed material. As we slowed to look, I could feel them tightening the circle around us. Knowing they could never get near my wallet, I felt completely comfortable starting to swing my arms around without worrying that one or two of them would use the distraction to go for my pockets.

In any event, my freedom from worry allowed me to create a sufficient disturbance to cause the men to disperse. Needless to say, my wallet remained securely in my pocket.

Craig H. from New York, New York

January 14, 2020

164 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Greeted By "Friends" In Marrakesh!

Africa ›   Marrakesh ›   Morocco ›  

Editors Note: This is your fourth confirmed stop in Morocco and second in Marrakesh!

Dear Clothing Arts,

I have been using your pants and shirts for a few years now and always felt comfortable with my security.

I put the convertible pants to the test in the Jemma el Fna square in Marrakesh this past week, walking the souks shoulder to shoulder with tourists and locals.

As expected in the old Medina there were many “friends” directing us, some grabbing by the arm, and I felt bumps on the other side. I found my zipper lifted up to the button claps but no further. Money and cards were hidden well within the internal zippered.

Being diligent and always checking my zipper, I was surprised to see the zipper lifted. I will take the pants security as an assist at least and a save for sure!

Thanks and truly great products!

Steve L. from Ontario, Canada


June 21, 2019

131 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Three Strikes in Sierra Leone!

Africa ›   Sierra Leone ›  

Editor's Note: The testimonial below is counted as one stop as it is likely a single pick-pocket attempted to open the zipper multiple times. This is your first known stop in Sierra Leone.

Dear Clothing Arts,

I just returned from a trip to Sierra Leone, a beautiful country in Western Africa--but it is also a very poor country as well. At a very crowded marketplace in Bo, in the eastern part of the country, I felt 3 attempts to open or reach into my right pocket. I had everything secured behind zippers---nothing was missing, they never got past the initial attempt.

Thanks for the great product.

Rich H from California, USA.
--a new (and loyal) customer

March 28, 2019

113 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Cairo International Airport Arrival Greeting By A Pick-Pocket

Africa ›   Cairo ›   Egypt ›  

Editor's Note: This is your first known stop in Egypt!

Dear Clothing Arts,

I was just arriving in Cairo after a long flight. I had taken my wallet out of my backpack and used the ATM card to get some cash. I never keep my wallet on me when I travel but for some reason I put it in my back pocket (against the advice of my wife) and closed the zipper and buttons.

As my wife and I were standing just outside of the terminal waiting on our driver, a group of people pushed along the sidewalk and forced me to move back. I fell back into someone and when I moved forward, a man followed very close behind me. My wife told me to check my wallet, which I did. Luckily, I had the Clothing Arts pants on and everything buttoned down. He got the buttons undone but the zipper was still keeping everything secure.


- Jeremy M from Florida, USA

February 14, 2019

106 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Marrakesh Market Hand Shake!

Africa ›   Marrakesh ›   Morocco ›  

Editors Note: This is your third confirmed stop in Morocco and first in Marrakesh!

Dear Clothing Arts,

Marrakesh is a very fast paced city when you think about shopping in the souks and walking Jemaa el-Fna (market square). At night the market becomes alive and packed with people exploring the food and juice stalls, watching exotic street performers, listening to musicians, and getting tattoos from the tattoo artists. With this, there are also people targeting tourists, not only to pressure them to eat at their food stalls but also trying to pickpocket them. Going to the market square with my friend was quite an overwhelming experience.

When we first got there, we started walking on the outsides of the square to get our bearings and soak it all in from afar. Taking one big lap around, we see possible stalls we want to check out in the middle of the market. This was a big mistake as touts and promoters of certain food stalls would come up to us and encourage us to look at their menu. They would physically put their hands on us to try to guide us to their open seats. I pretended to be Barry Sanders as I juked and spin-moved away from them.

Finally, at the end of a row, we were cornered by a few touts. One of them grabbed my hand to shake and placed his other hand on my shoulder to hold me there. As he squeezed my hand as hard as he could, I started to laugh. I’m laughing because I know this is a setup and I feel someone try to open up my flap closure on my right front pocket. As I look down, I see a hand from behind me disappear. I’ve just thwarted a pickpocket attempt of my iPhone and I tell my friend to get the hell out of there. We pull some swim moves and get out of the mess to the safety of a rooftop terrace to survey the square. Looking down, I’m grateful to have the pick-pocket proof pants, as I always keep my wallet (left pocket) and iPhone (right pocket) on the inside pocket protected by the zipper, plus, the outside zipper AND the flap closure. Triple security always ensures the pickpockets lose.

- Stephen E. from New York, USA

May 22, 2018

77 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Malawi Market ATM Team

Africa ›   Malawi ›  


With my recently arrived pair of Pick-Pocket Proof® Adventure Travel Pants in my bag, I set off for the warm heart of Africa -- Malawi. A beautiful country with the warmest and friendliest people anywhere. Nevertheless, I did encounter a small group of young men near the Lilongwe market who were keen to help me out of the funds I had recently withdrawn from an ATM. Thanks to the many hidden pockets in your pants, they found nothing, despite a concerted effort.

Not only are these pants great for concealing money, but my wallet, passport, and other items all the while looking like I had nothing in my pockets! Plus, they are very comfortable - surprising considering how much I was carrying.
Your pants saved me from what could have been an extremely unfortunate incident. Thanks!!!

I heartily recommend your pants to anyone preparing for an overseas voyage.

- Bill from Maryland, USA

January 04, 2018

72 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Jostle in Johannesburg, South Africa

Africa ›   Johannesburg ›   South Africa ›  

Panorama of the central business district of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Editor's Note: This story comes to us from a friend of the company. Chris, a traveler from Brooklyn, New York, recently returned from a trip to South Africa with his Pick-Pocket Proof® Adventure Pants. He encountered a pick-pocket in the country's largest city, Johannesburg. Check out the full story below!

Chris and a group of friends were walking down the street after dinner and drinks and found themselves followed by some locals. Chris felt a brush and tug against his side pocket, and in the same moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of them getting dangerously close to a friend and reaching out towards a hanging shoulder bag, fingers inching under the flap. A third flanked them from the other side and was working his way into a back pocket.

Upon noticing, the group of friends and some helpful locals confronted the pick-pockets. Luckily, no one was injured in the altercation and all of the belongings were rightfully returned.

- Experience of Chris from Brooklyn, New York

December 18, 2017

69 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Secure Pockets Save Study Abroad Experience In Rabat, Morocco!

Africa ›   Morocco ›   Rabat ›  

The Hassan Tower (Tour Hassan) In Rabat, Morocco

Editor's Note: This story comes to us via a 5 star review on our Pick-Pocket Proof® Adventure Travel Pants. The pants were given to William as a gift before he left for a semester abroad. It goes to show that it pays to be prepared. We are thrilled to hear that giving the gift of travel security helped save William's experience in Morocco and gave him peace of mind as he traveled through numerous countries. Check out the full review below!
