Yesterday marked an incredible moment, made possible by the amazing community we've built together over the years. For the second time, yesterday, I spotted our Pick-Pocket Proof Pants® walking in the wild!!
Interestingly, we weren't meant to be in this part of town, but as any good day out in the city goes, we decided to take a detour. We parked the car and started walking toward our new stop when I was stopped dead in my tracks. As we were crossing the street on 23rd and 10th Avenue, I look toward the next crosswalk, and the telltale button closure on the front pocket of the pants speaks to me. Immediately, I know what I'm looking at. I tell my family to walk back with me to the corner we had just come from, and I stop Jeffrey as he made his way by us with a friend.
"Has anyone ever told you how awesome your pants are?" This caught his attention, and we got a few moments to chat about his experience wearing them. I introduced myself as the designer of the pants and expressed my wonder at meeting the second pair in the wild. With 400,000+ pants now walking the world, the odds of running into one increase with each passing day, but those odds are still astronomical. Below is a quick photo we took of the encounter with both of us wearing the pants (shorts in my case) here in NYC. Jeffery mentioned how these were his Rome pants; he wore them for weeks when he lived there. He said he still wears them at home in NYC because they are so good!
I mentioned above that this was the second time I spotted a pair walking the world. The first time happened a few years ago in Taipei, Taiwan. Similarly, I was crossing the street when a pair of pants caught my eye on the opposite side. This time it was the square cargo pockets (to go with our original P^cubed theme) that caught my eye. The traveler then didn't want to have his photo taken, and life moved on, as it tends to do, and I don't believe we ever shared the story before.
To everyone reading this, thank you for making this incredible journey possible. Here's to seeing more travelers walking the world wearing these pants in the years to come!
Safe Travels,
Adam Rapp
PS: If you've met a fellow traveler in the wild wearing the pants, email and we will share your story with the community.